The American Dream of homeownership is facing unprecedented challenges under the Biden administration, with average mortgage payments for new homes skyrocketing by a staggering 90%. 

The surge in housing costs, discussed by ‘Mansion Global’ host Katrina Campins on Fox Business’ ‘The Big Money Show,’ raises concerns about the affordability of homes and the broader impact on the aspirations of everyday Americans.

Rising Costs and Declining Home Sales

Lydia Hu, the host of the show, highlights the grim reality of the current situation. She emphasizes how living costs are becoming a formidable barrier for everyday Americans, pushing the American Dream out of reach for many. She reveals that rent and housing costs rose by 18% in November, amplifying the financial burden on prospective homeowners.

A significant piece of data further compounds the issue – pending home sales have dropped. The crucial question arises: is this decline in sales due to price sensitivity, as people find themselves unable to afford the higher prices of homes? Moreover, Lydia prompts the question of whether home prices are possibly coming down in the future.

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Supply Shortage and Mortgage Rate Dilemma

Katrina Campins delves into the root causes of the housing challenges. She identifies the ongoing supply shortage as a primary issue, pointing out that there simply aren’t enough homes on the market. 

New construction efforts are underway, but the pace is not sufficient to meet the demand. This scarcity exacerbates the problem, leaving many potential sellers hesitant to sell their homes.

However, an interesting dilemma unfolds regarding mortgage rates. While traditionally lower mortgage rates could incentivize people to enter the market, Campins notes that individuals with existing low-interest mortgage rates (around 2-3%) are reluctant to trade them for higher rates (5-6%). This factor contributes to a significant portion of the population choosing to stay put rather than make a move.

People in the comments are sharing their experiences: “I’m so glad I bought my house in 2009. My mortgage is $740. I also didn’t over buy and buy something I did need. It’s an old farm house built in 1895.”

Another chimed in with their story: “While I was fortunate enough to refinance my home at a fixed 4.25 to pay medical bills, the insurance and taxes have nearly doubled the payment in the last ten years. I have never had any claims to the insurance yet the policy cost must go up from other claims in ‘disaster areas’. I have to focus on the fact I am not buying a house these days and live in my home already.”

The conversation shifts to a generational battle within the housing market. Baby boomers, who can afford all-cash purchases, are seemingly winning this battle. A record share of homes is mortgage-free, indicating a different reality for those who can make all-cash transactions. On the contrary, younger buyers find themselves struggling to crack into the market, prompting questions about the viability of homeownership for the younger generation.

Campins sheds light on a crucial shift in perspective among younger Americans. Unlike previous generations who viewed homeownership as a fundamental part of the American Dream, the younger generation values freedom more. 

This shift, coupled with financial constraints such as a lack of down payment, has led to a trend where individuals in their 30s are staying with their parents rather than venturing into homeownership.

Commenters on YouTube are critical of the current president: “There is no American dream with this nightmare in office”

Some go even further, with one saying: “America is currently without president”

Then there are those with understanding for the younger generations: “The problem for the younger generation is not only mortgage rates and what that’s look like for them, but what it cost to rent a home and or condo/apartment, etc. It’s just as expensive because of the greed of the landlords/corporations.”


Cultural Shifts and Economic Ramifications

Katrina Campins proposes an intriguing perspective, suggesting that the inflationary pressures in the economy are influencing a cultural shift. She hints at a potential brainwashing effect, where younger generations are being led to believe that ownership is unnecessary and wealth accumulation is less important. 

The hosts comment on how this cultural evolution reminds them of socialist principles.  They raise alarming questions about its long-term impact on the fabric of American society.

In conclusion, the housing challenges under the Biden administration are multifaceted, involving supply shortages, mortgage rate complexities, and changing cultural attitudes toward homeownership. While these changes are ongoing, we are waiting to see how policymakers will address them.

It will be interesting to see if they will be able to strike a balance between economic realities and the enduring American Dream of homeownership. Many questions remain after this report. 

With the younger generation showing a shift away from traditional views on homeownership, influenced by factors like rising costs and changing cultural values, what could this mean for the future of the real estate market and the broader economy?

As the Federal Reserve plays a pivotal role in influencing housing market dynamics through interest rates, how might their future decisions impact the housing choices of both current homeowners and those aspiring to enter the market? What are your thoughts on the matter?

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