California’s newly implemented $20 per hour minimum wage for fast food workers is causing ripples of controversy, with some praising it as a step towards better worker livelihoods and others criticizing its potential to disrupt the industry. A recent YouTube video by Michael Bordenaro showed worried employees facing layoffs and cut hours due to the new wage. Here’s the full story.

The Impact on the Industry

The Impact on the Industry
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The video began by sharing that the impending wage hike has already triggered layoffs at major fast-food chains, with Pizza Hut alone set to lose around 1,300 delivery drivers. Other restaurants are also reducing staff and exploring automation to streamline operations. Bordenaro shared that the ripple effects of these decisions extend beyond individual businesses, potentially reshaping the landscape of the entire industry.

The Irony

The Irony
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Bordenaro weighed in with a sobering thought: California’s policy, while meant to help workers, might be hurting them in the long run. He shared that forcing wages up so quickly throws the whole market out of whack. Businesses struggle to keep afloat, which means fewer jobs and potentially even worse service for everyone.

Real Example

Real Example
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One business owner cited in the video who operates Vitality Bowl restaurants, has already cut staff by half and raised prices to cope with higher labor costs. Bordenaro shared that such measures not only strain businesses but also reduce the customer experience, as longer wait times and reduced staffing levels become the new norm.

A Domino Effect

A Domino Effect
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Moreover, the repercussions of California’s wage policy extend beyond the fast-food industry. The higher minimum wage could have a domino effect, pushing wages up in other industries as well. Bordenaro used the housing market as an example, where government intervention intended to make homes more affordable has arguably led to a decline in sales due to rising costs.

Potential Consequences 

Potential Consequences 1
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Bordenaro shared that economists warn that similar wage increases on a national scale could have far-reaching consequences, potentially leading to significant job losses. A study by the Congressional Budget Office projected that raising the federal minimum wage to $17 per hour could result in the loss of nearly 700,000 jobs nationwide.

Government Intervention

Government Intervention
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The video also presented the argument that government intervention in the form of wage mandates can have unintended consequences. Bordenaro suggested that businesses might be more likely to exploit loopholes or relocate to areas with lower minimum wages. He also raised concerns about the long-term economic impact, arguing that excessive government intervention might stifle growth.

The Solution to the Issue

The Solution to the Issue
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Bordenaro went on to share that the real key to all these problems, in his opinion, was getting inflation under control. But the Federal Reserve wasn’t a fan of that. Their goal, he explained, is a steady 2% inflation rate, year after year. That means high inflation – way above 2% – is likely here to stay for a while. Forget about widespread price drops, for now, that’s just a dream.

The Future of Fast Food

The Future of Fast Food
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

Finally, Bordenaro shared that the true impact of the $20 minimum wage on California’s fast-food industry remains to be seen. While some restaurants may struggle to adapt, others might find innovative ways to operate within the new constraints. He added that the coming months will likely reveal whether the law leads to a significant decline in employment opportunities or if businesses can adjust their strategies to accommodate the higher labor costs.

Share Your Thoughts

Share Your Thoughts
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So what do you think? What alternative solutions could the government consider to address wage disparities without risking job losses and economic instability?

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