Journey back to the 1970s, a time when bell-bottoms ruled the fashion scene and disco beats filled the air, but not everything from this vibrant era has stood the test of time. Our article, “15 Totally Normal Things In The 70s That Are Unheard Of In 2024,” explores the fascinating shifts in societal norms and practices over the past five decades. From the haze of smoke-filled restaurants to the casual, unseatbelted car rides, the 70s painted a picture starkly different from today’s world.

Smoking Indoors in Public Places

Smoking Indoors in Public Places
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

In the 1970s, it was common for people to smoke in offices, airplanes, restaurants, and other public spaces. Today, smoking indoors in public places is largely prohibited due to health concerns and smoking bans.

Driving Without Seat Belts

Driving Without Seat Belts
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

The use of seat belts was not as strictly enforced in the 70s as it is now. Today, driving without a seat belt is illegal in many places and widely recognized as unsafe.

Casual Sexism in the Workplace

Casual Sexism in the Workplace
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

Remarks or behaviors that were once dismissed as “office banter” are now recognized as sexist and unacceptable in a professional environment.

Using Lead-Based Products

Using Lead Based Products
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

Lead-based paints and gasoline additives were common in the 70s. Today, due to the known health risks of lead exposure, these products are banned or heavily regulated.

Corporal Punishment in Schools

Corporal Punishment in Schools
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

In many regions during the 70s, physical punishment was an accepted form of discipline in schools. This practice is now illegal or considered highly inappropriate in most places.


Littering 1
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

While littering has always been frowned upon, the environmental awareness of the 2020s has made it a more serious social faux pas and often a legal offense.

Discrimination Based on Gender, Race, or Sexual Orientation

Discrimination Based on Gender Race or Sexual Orientation
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

Attitudes and laws regarding equality have evolved significantly, making certain behaviors and expressions of discrimination that were once commonplace now socially and legally unacceptable.

Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

While still a problem, the awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving has increased significantly, and the legal consequences have become much more severe.

Not Using Child Car Seats

Not Using Child Car Seats
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

In the 70s, it was not uncommon for children to ride in cars without any special seating arrangements. Today, child safety seats are mandatory in many regions.

Unrestricted Use of Pesticides

Unrestricted Use of Pesticides
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

The use of certain pesticides that were common in the 70s, like DDT, is now banned or heavily regulated due to environmental and health concerns.

Public Displays of Racism

Public Displays of Racism
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

While racism still exists, overt racist remarks or actions that might have been more openly displayed in the 70s are now widely condemned.

Ignoring Recycling and Waste Separation

Ignoring Recycling and Waste Separation
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

The environmental consciousness of the 2020s has made recycling and proper waste disposal a norm, unlike in the 70s.

Wearing Fur Without Controversy

Wearing Fur Without Controversy
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

Wearing real fur was a status symbol in the 70s. In 2024, it often invites ethical debates and criticism due to animal rights concerns.

Kids Playing Outside All Day

Kids Playing Outside All Day
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

It was common for children to play outside unsupervised for extended periods, reflecting a more relaxed attitude towards child safety and less concern about constant parental oversight.

Unprotected Sunbathing

Unprotected Sunbathing
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

With increased awareness of skin cancer risks, the practice of sunbathing without sunscreen, once common, is now discouraged.

This list reflects broad trends and changes in societal norms and laws. It’s important to note that attitudes and regulations can vary significantly by region and culture.

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