Antique homes are good investments because historic property can appreciate in value. The value can be higher than surrounding homes, simply because the home is antique. This value is rarely affected by standard markets since antique homes are often located in historic districts.

If you buy an antique home, you can carefully work to restore it to its original glory. For your time and effort, you’ll be able to sell the house at a higher price. Before you make any changes, you’ll have to contact the local historical society. They might have certain restrictions in terms of the house’s features, especially outside cosmetic procedures and even paint colors.

While you might have to give up some of your personal aesthetic to adhere to the historical society’s guidelines, you’re getting benefits from them in the long run. Since your house is a historic property, they most likely help your home retain its value.

You can also benefit from the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program. It offers a 20% federal tax credit to people who own, preserve, and rehabilitate historic properties. You’ll have to put money into the house to get the benefit, but it’s a nice advantage to a process you’re most likely already committed to on your own.